Jonathan Swan’s interview with the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, has just aired. In the interview, Swan covered multiple areas of interest with Mr Khan, including the U.S.’ exit from Afghanistan militarily, his thoughts on the genocide of Uyghurs in China, nuclear weaponry being utilised and his stance on comments he had made prior regarding abuse against women in Pakistan.
On the topic of Afghanistan, the Prime Minister said that because political settlement was ‘absent’, he is weary on how politics in the region will play out in the future. He has said that he’d rather see a coalition of the Taliban and the current democracy. “Americans have got themselves in such a big mess … the Taliban [could’ve] considered this a victory.” When pressed further on what he meant by this by Swan, the Prime Minister replied that he was “not a spokesperson for the Taliban.”
During the course of the interview, Swan steered the direction of the conversation towards the ongoing genocide of Muslim Uyghurs in China, to which the Prime Minister clarified that he was focused moreso on the current conflict in Kashmir, instead. Mr Khan has been an outspoken voice against Islamophobia in the West, and when urged to speak on his thoughts regarding the violence in China, he replied “China has been a great ally to Pakistan … they have helped us in our darkest times.”
“So, you won’t comment on what’s happening because of the money they’re supplying?” continued Swan.
“I will comment only on what is happening around my borders.”
“But this is happening around your borders, Prime Minister.”
The last topic of discussion before the interview was suddenly brought to a halt was that regarding PM Khan’s comments on victim blaming. “Men are not ‘robots’. If they see a woman in skimpy clothes, they will be tempted and resort to rape.” he said. Swan reminded Khan of his past as a “playboy”, which struck a nerve with Khan. “This isn’t about me, Jonathan.”