


تحریکِ انصاف نے حکومت کے ساتھ مذاکرات ختم کرنے کا اعلان کر دیا

عمران خان نے حکومت کے ساتھ مذاکرات ختم کرنے کا کہہ دیا ہے، جوڈیشل کمیشن کا اعلان نہ ہونے کی صورت میں مذاکرات آگے نہیں بڑھ سکتے، تحریکِ انصاف کو کسی بیرونی مدد کا انتظار نہیں ہے، عمران خان اپنا مقدمہ پاکستانی عدالتوں میں ہی لڑیں گے۔

اقلیتوں کے خلاف کوئی سازش کرے گا تو اس کا پوری قوت سے راستہ روکوں گی، مریم نواز شریف

اقلیتیں میرے سر کا تاج ہیں اور اتنی ہی پاکستانی ہیں جتنے ہم سب ہیں۔ اقلیتوں کا تحفظ میری ذمہ داری اور میرا فرض ہے۔ اقلیتوں کے خلاف کوئی سازش کرے گا تو اس کا پوری قوت سے راستہ روکوں گی۔ اقلیتوں نے پاکستان کی تعمیر و ترقی میں بھرپور کردار ادا کیا ہے۔

ملک ریاض مفرور اشتہاری ہے، نیب ملک ریاض کو واپس لانے کیلئے اقدامات کر رہا ہے، عطاء اللّٰہ تارڑ

ملک ریاض اور انکے بیٹے کے خلاف غیرقانونی ہاؤسنگ سکیمز، زمینوں پر ناجائز قبضوں، کرپشن اور فراڈ کے ٹھوس شواہد موجود ہیں۔ ملک ریاض مفرور اشتہاری ہے، نیب ملک ریاض کو واپس لانے کیلئے اقدامات کر رہا ہے۔ کرپشن اور رشوت کا جواب دیں، مذہب کارڈ استعمال نہ کریں۔

غزہ کی تعمیرِ نو کیلئے پاکستان سے جو بھی ہو سکا وہ کرے گا، وزیراعظم شہباز شریف

غزہ کی تعمیرِ نو کیلئے پاکستان سے جو بھی ہو سکا وہ کرے گا۔ گوادر ایئر پورٹ ترقی و خوشحالی میں سنگِ میل ہے، چین جیسے دوست کی قدر کرنی چاہیے۔ ہم شہداء کا قرض نہیں اتار سکتے، ان قربانیوں کی جتنی بھی تعظیم کی جائے کم ہے۔

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Op-EdEnglishThe Pakistani youth are a wasted asset

The Pakistani youth are a wasted asset

Our government must rethink their stance on the youth and take the necessary steps to utilise our youth for rebuilding Pakistan

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The Pakistani youth are considered as an important asset for any country, but it depends on their preference as to whether they want to use it or not. Pakistan is facing its worst economic crisis from which unemployment graphs are going up, day by day. The youth are concerned about their future. They are seeing no future in this economic wounded country. This situation is forcing them to leave the country for their better future but not all of them afford to go abroad. They have no facilities to support their family or improve their lives. In a rational view unemployment is creating very serious public security issues as well.

Every country has different percentage of youth population. But the main thing which makes difference is the empowerment of that part of the population. The secret behind the rapid success of developing countries lays in the empowerment of youth. Their young blood and energetic youth is working in every field of life. From health care to public security, From economic progress to defence management they are giving their best for the Nation building. The credit goes to their  governments for polishing their skills and providing them  platforms through which they can take part in a country’s progress. They are spending  billions of dollars on their youth to provide them opportunities. Why are they so much focused and spending so much assets on them? Because they are well aware about their powers, they know how and where to utilise these young and energetic people. This is the main reason behind their success because they are not wasting their youth. On other hand, Unemployment and fear among youth about their future is increasing everyday in Pakistan. In Pakistan, youth population represents almost 63% of our total. They can play a major role in this economically troubled country. Our main dilemma is that we are unable to provide them opportunities or nourish their skills so that they can take part in nation building. Our youth is facing identity crisis. They are confused, they are nervous, they are unable to recognise their powers. As mentioned prior, its dependent on the state whether they want to utilise  or waste this useful asset. Our government and its stakeholders are not focusing on this issue they have no realization about this great loss. They have no proper policies to reshape our country. If they have so still they are unable to implement them on the ground level. ‏Our politicians and stake holders are busy in blame game. Pakistan is struggling with political crisis since independence‏. Instead of providing the opportunities and skills to our youth we are radicalizing them.

Pakistan has faced almost 4 dictatorships which means they were unanswerable to anyone for their rigid policies. They remained busy and focused to maintain their powers. The lust of power forced them to take every step for their personal gains. They choose selfish interests over state interests. They used religion in theirs politics which cause religious polarization among youth. The madrasa culture was also promoted in dictator rules. Today thousands of students are studying in Madrasas which are almost not under the state control. They have their own curriculum. Our society has became so radicalised that State  has no courage to challenge them. You can disagree but In my view Madrasa culture is radicalizing our youth on the large scale. Our minorities are facing difficulties to survive in such polarised society. One of the main reason behind the lack of policy making is the interference of Establishment in politics. Democracy is dying in our country; since independence, no prime minister has been able to complete their tenure. How can a politically destabilised country with an identity crisis survive in this globalised world?

Economic crisis is directly proportional to political crisis. The main reason behind the unemployment is the economic problems. Our industry is on the edge. Our exports are almost at ground level. International businesses are not interested to invest in our economic hit country which leads to no new job opportunities.

Unemployment among youth is becoming our security issue as well. Just imagine a person which have a family to raise but has nothing to feed them, what would they do? It’s likely they would choose illegal ways to fulfill their needs. That’s why crime rates in our country is booming. Public security is at risk.

To provide opportunities to the youth, governments must have properly useful policies to follow. But we are lacking in it.

One of the main factor behind the lack of policy making is corruption and illiteracy. Our leaders are corrupt and our judicial system has failed to punish them. Leaders are using illiteracy of people which are unable to question their policies. They worship them, they are defending their every word wether they are right or wrong. Why will they do efforts when they are enjoying the power without any resistance?  Another problem is the lack of Carrier counselling. Our students are unable to recognise their interest  No one is available to guide them about their future. They are choosing such Fields as a carrier which don’t suite them. At the end  they loss their interests in that fields which cost them years to realise.

Steps must be taken to solve these issues. Firstly, we need political consensus. All political parties and other stake holders to sit on one Table to set future goals and to work together for the youth empowerment. They should realise the wastage of this great treasure as this is a very serious issue. Our talented graduates and doctorates are flying to foreign countries to work. Government should facilitate the youth by providing them easy loans to start their own businesses. They should focus and improve  our education system which has many flaws.  Educational institutions must have carrier counselling classes to guide their students. There should be skill development programs funded by government to polish their skills. Last but not least, all parties should work together to improve our economy. A stable economy means more job opportunities. Long-term economic goals should be set for economic progress. Every institution should work under their limits. Interference among institutions create difficulties in policy making and their implementation. It is hoped that our stakeholders will take these issue seriously and will take important steps to utilise our youth for building the nation.

The contributor, Amin Mahar, is a student of political science at the University of Central Punjab.


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تحریکِ انصاف نے حکومت کے ساتھ مذاکرات ختم کرنے کا اعلان کر دیا

عمران خان نے حکومت کے ساتھ مذاکرات ختم کرنے کا کہہ دیا ہے، جوڈیشل کمیشن کا اعلان نہ ہونے کی صورت میں مذاکرات آگے نہیں بڑھ سکتے، تحریکِ انصاف کو کسی بیرونی مدد کا انتظار نہیں ہے، عمران خان اپنا مقدمہ پاکستانی عدالتوں میں ہی لڑیں گے۔

اقلیتوں کے خلاف کوئی سازش کرے گا تو اس کا پوری قوت سے راستہ روکوں گی، مریم نواز شریف

اقلیتیں میرے سر کا تاج ہیں اور اتنی ہی پاکستانی ہیں جتنے ہم سب ہیں۔ اقلیتوں کا تحفظ میری ذمہ داری اور میرا فرض ہے۔ اقلیتوں کے خلاف کوئی سازش کرے گا تو اس کا پوری قوت سے راستہ روکوں گی۔ اقلیتوں نے پاکستان کی تعمیر و ترقی میں بھرپور کردار ادا کیا ہے۔

ملک ریاض مفرور اشتہاری ہے، نیب ملک ریاض کو واپس لانے کیلئے اقدامات کر رہا ہے، عطاء اللّٰہ تارڑ

ملک ریاض اور انکے بیٹے کے خلاف غیرقانونی ہاؤسنگ سکیمز، زمینوں پر ناجائز قبضوں، کرپشن اور فراڈ کے ٹھوس شواہد موجود ہیں۔ ملک ریاض مفرور اشتہاری ہے، نیب ملک ریاض کو واپس لانے کیلئے اقدامات کر رہا ہے۔ کرپشن اور رشوت کا جواب دیں، مذہب کارڈ استعمال نہ کریں۔