Elon Musk prompts McDonalds to accept Dogecoin

In exchange for this, Musk promises to eat a Happy Meal on live television.

Tech, rocket and automotive mogul Elon Musk has put out a new proposition to the McDonalds Corporation: accept the Dogecoin cryptocurrency as a payment method for their products, in exchange for a promise to eat a Happy Meal live on television.

“I will eat a happy meal on tv [sic] if @McDonalds accepts Dogecoin,” tweeted Musk on Tuesday. The business magnate, well-known for his investments into the worlds of spacewares and clean energy, has become somewhat of a real-life Iron Man since his entrance into the American entreprenurial market decades ago. He was one of the creators of the initial system PayPal was based on, X.com, and is now the world’s richest man.

His love for Dogecoin spans many years, with tweets repeatedly endorsing the purchase of the cryptocurrency being proudly presented on his Twitter account. He has spoken of Dogecoin on many television outlets in the past, such as on NBC’s Saturday Night Live, and a recent interview for Time magazine’s Person of the Year award also included prominent backing for the coin.

Tesla Motors, of which Musk is currently the chairman of, accepts Dogecoin as a means of payment in order to purchase their merchandise on their website at the moment. Musk has hinted towards using cryptocurrencies in order to purchase entire vehicles in the past—in 2021, Tesla bought approximately $1.5b of Bitcoin.

The SpaceX chief’s reply could be in response to McDonalds’ somewhat snide remarks in response to the recent large-scale cryptocurrency selloff:

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