WASHINGTON, D.C. (THE THURSDAY TIMES) — In the latest Reuters/Ipsos national poll conducted from August 21-28, 2024, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has taken a modest lead over her Republican rival, former President Donald Trump. The survey, which sampled opinions from over 4,000 registered voters across the United States, shows Harris with 45% of the vote share, compared to Trump’s 41%. This four-point lead reflects a competitive race as the nation heads toward the November election.
The poll also highlights the impact of recent campaign events on voter enthusiasm, particularly among Democrats. Harris’s entry into the race, coupled with her selection of Tim Walz as her running mate, has energized the Democratic base. According to the survey, 73% of Democratic voters reported increased excitement due to Harris’s candidacy, while 58% felt more motivated following President Joe Biden’s decision not to seek re-election. In contrast, enthusiasm among Republican voters appears more subdued. Only 38% of Republicans indicated increased excitement after Trump selected JD Vance as his vice-presidential running mate.
When considering third-party candidates, Harris’s lead narrows slightly, with 44% of the vote share against Trump’s 40%. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who recently suspended his campaign to endorse Trump, garners 6% of the vote share in this scenario.
At the congressional level, the poll reveals a near tie, with 42% of registered voters expressing support for a Democratic candidate and 41% favoring a Republican candidate if the election were held today. This suggests a highly competitive environment for control of Congress.
The survey’s margin of error is approximately 1.7 percentage points for registered voters, providing a reliable snapshot of the current political landscape.